
Showing posts from February, 2016

Executing Python and Python3 scripts in Oozie workflows

it is not completely obvious but you can certainly run Python scripts within Here’s a sample file, nothing special about it. nameNode=hdfs://sandbox .hortonworks .com : 8020 jobTracker=sandbox .hortonworks .com : 8050 queueName=defaultexamplesRoot=oozie oozie .wf .application .path =${nameNode}/user/${user .name }/${examplesRoot}/apps/python Here’s a sample workflow that will look for a script called inside scripts folder < workflow-app xmlns = "uri:oozie:workflow:0.4" name = "python-wf" > < start to = "python-node" /> < action name = "python-node" > < shell xmlns = "uri:oozie:shell-action:0.2" > < job-tracker > ${jobTracker} </ job-tracker > < name-node > ${nameNode} </ name-node > < configuration > < property > < name > mapred.j...