(Update) Maven tip for building "fat" jars and making them slim

The other day I was working on MapReduce code over HBase tables and I discovered something really cool. Usually I'd have to package all HBase, Zookeeper, etc libraries else I'd get a ClassNotFoundException. I found this tip in HBase: Definitive Guide book. Apparently, if you specify scope "provided" in your Maven pom.xml file, Maven will not package the jars but it will expect that the jars are available on the cluster's classpath. I will save you my poor interpretation of this feature and point you to the Maven documentation. The feature is called Dependency Scope. This is how I define my dependencies now:

So just to give you an idea, my jar size before adding this tag was 44Mb and after, it was 11Kb. Definitely saves time on transmitting the jars back and forth. Granted, this may not be a new tip to most people, I actually have seen this feature used when I was playing with Apache Storm, specifically the storm-starter project but it never occurred to me that it's applicable elsewhere. Hope this was useful.


One caveat with this feature is that if you try to run your HBase code locally from an IDE, you need to put back the "compile scope, otherwise you'd get a ClassNotFoundException. I recommend the following:

and in your Maven properties section, add this:


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