Fix for infamous Oozie error "Error: E0501 : E0501: Could not perform authorization operation, User: oozie is not allowed to impersonate"

I just had a breakthrough moment when I realized why this error shows up when you run an Oozie workflow. We use Ambari for cluster management and by default Ambari has core-site.xml configured with these properties:

The issue lies in the oozie.groups property. You need to make sure a user executing a workflow, must belong to "users" Linux group on the namenode server. Failsafe is definitely to have an asterisk for either property as most people recommend but I think this is a more granular approach. This idea dawned on me when I saw in the Ambari admin tab, the following:

This means exactly that, user executing the workflow needs to belong to the proxy group controlled by hadoop.proxyuser.oozie.groups property. 


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