how do you handle multiple versions of Python in your environment?

So I decided to start using more Python and less shell for operations and I realized the code I write on my dev machine, be it in my Arch Linux VM or on my Mac, will determine the final output of the script. Meaning, the same script I write on one platform may not work on the other. This is very frustrating because the code I write on my Mac expects v. 2.7.8 of Python and Arch may as well have a different version and there are major changes between minor versions of Python. Going with the same analogy, same script will not work with my Red Hat 6 machine because that has v. 2.6 of Python, really frustrating. I then decided to only write Python3 code, to my dismay, I have to jump through hoops to install Python3 on my Red Hat boxes. There is a software collection repository but I will have to maintain my own mirror for that, I really want to avoid that. So my questions to all is, how do you handle my situation?



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